Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Off Season!

Hi Everyone-

It's been awhile since I've updated on this thing. Alot has happened since i last posted something on here. The last race of the year at Steel City wasn't what i was hoping for, but i ended the weekend on a good note, and injury free so I'm thankful for that. Now its off season, and I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row and figure out what the next step is. I've been trying to get down to Georgia again and start my training program again. It's getting pretty cold up here in Michigan, and I've only been able to ride here and there. The temperature has been pretty crazy with the coldest temperatures in the state of MI. I've been trying to make the best of it! Things have really slowed down and it's not so hectic and I've been able to do some sponsorship stuff and just doing alot of PR work. A few weeks ago i was feature on a northern Michigan News cast, 9&10 News and they came over and did a whole story on me, and last week i went and did a presentation with a local brownie troop to show off my bike to a group of 15 girls around the ages on 8 and 9. It really opened alot of eyes and i hope these girls really do follow through with their dreams :)! In the next few weeks I'll be doing a commercial with Teters Orthotics they do all the fitting for the CTI 2 knee braces. so they asked me to do that for them and its something I've never did before so I'd thought i would try it out.but until next time... have a good one!

Danielle #73

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